Best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing
Find the best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing, located in Guatemala City, Antigua Guatemala, Sololá and Alta Verapaz.
Viaje GT is a learning, exchange and connection platform that seeks to connect institutions, companies and travelers from all over the world with the destinations and tourist services that Guatemala can offer.
Viaje GT was created by the Sustainable Tourism Commission of the Guatemalan association of exporters -COMITURS- which for more than 15 years has paved the way between businessmen and localities, to carry out tourism developed through the conservation of natural resources and cultures of Guatemala, seeking economic sustainability and job creation in the participating communities.
From Viaje GT the growth of tourism in Guatemala is promoted and strengthened, through the export of sustainable tourist services with the support of the European Union.
Find the best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing, located in Guatemala City, Antigua Guatemala, Sololá and Alta Verapaz.
When planning your trip to Guatemala, hire a tour operator. They provide security, experience, and guaranteed quality.
Discover Guatemala’s 7 Touristic Regions, each of them has its own unique characterictics and we recommend lodgings and tourist destinations.
During Holy Week and summer, emblematic trees in Guatemala, such as the Jacaranda and the Matilisguate, bloom