Best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing
Find the best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing, located in Guatemala City, Antigua Guatemala, Sololá and Alta Verapaz.
Find the best hotels in Guatemala you must consider choosing, located in Guatemala City, Antigua Guatemala, Sololá and Alta Verapaz.
When planning your trip to Guatemala, hire a tour operator. They provide security, experience, and guaranteed quality.
Discover Guatemala’s 7 Touristic Regions, each of them has its own unique characterictics and we recommend lodgings and tourist destinations.
During Holy Week and summer, emblematic trees in Guatemala, such as the Jacaranda and the Matilisguate, bloom
Discover the magic of Holy Week in Guatemala 2024, a religious and cultural event declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Guatemala is considered a megadiverse paradise in Central America, offering both biological and cultural diversity.