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Guatemala, the country of eternal spring, has 7 spectacular tourist regions, where you can enjoy the climate, flora, fauna, birds, mountains and volcanoes, as well as the warmth of its people and the gastronomy of each region.

Source: Guatemalan Tourism Institute INGUAT

  1. Guatemala moderna y colonial
  2. Altiplano, cultura maya viva
  3. Petén. Aventura en el mundo maya
  4. Izabal, Caribe Verde
  5. Las Verapaces, Paraíso Natural
  6. Pacífico, mágico y diverso
  7. Oriente, Místico y Natural

Source: Guatemalan Tourism Institute INGUAT

  1. Guatemala moderna y colonial
  2. Altiplano, cultura maya viva
  3. Petén. Aventura en el mundo maya
  4. Izabal, Caribe Verde
  5. Las Verapaces, Paraíso Natural
  6. Pacífico, mágico y diverso
  7. Oriente, Místico y Natural