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Tourism week

Within the framework of the tourism week, AGEXPORT Guatemala, through the Sustainable Tourism Commission, inaugurated the #ViajeGt event, in which the general director of #INGUAT, Anayansy Rodríguez, participated as a speaker and indicated that INGUAT has currently:

1. Worked on the development of the Sustainable Tourism Observatories of La Antigua Guatemala and Petén to promote good practices in tourism sustainability.

2. The places that may be affected by criminal acts have been identified and have been strengthened by DISETUR, which makes custody and accompaniment available to those who visit the destinations.

3. Developed the Market Intelligence Unit, to generate information related to key, strategic and opportunity markets.

4. Launched the #MarcaPaisGuatemala to compete in global markets in the area of ​​investment and export tourism.

5. Participated in international tourism fairs, as part of the country’s promotion strategies and campaigns have been developed at the national and international level.

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